Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fish As Pets

You know I get a lot of grief from people about having birds as pets. That’s fine. I happen to like them. They are very personable and pretty adorable when you give them a bath. I might like mine better if the one wasn’t into self mutilation…or picking the other bird’s head bald and the other one wasn’t such a snob. But no matter I love them anyway. My point is, there are a lot of pointless pets out there and birds are hardly at the top of the list. What pet is more pointless than a bird?
Goldfish. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Wow, a fish. It floats around, blows bubbles, eats, shits, eats it’s shit and then when you’re good and bored with him (about two and a half hours later), he dies.

It’s not like you can even buy him lame accessories to wear like you can with dogs or cats.

No, all you can do is buy a few cheesy neon ornaments, some fake plants and some rocks so he feels “more at home” in his cluttered abyss.

Even the snack is boring and tasteless.

So parents please don’t buy your kids goldfish of any kind. They’ll only end up bored, hungry and annoying.